Sarah Redmond

eSheaves Materials and Applications

eSheaves is an engineering firm that takes your technical requirements for wire rope sheaves and...

BrushKing Saws, Perfect for Any Industry

BrushKing® has a wide array of saws to choose from. We offer pole saws, perfect for getting those...

Which Wire Rope Sheave is Best for Your Rigging Application?

eSheaves is a proud distributor of Strongman Sheaves and Hardhat Sheaves. Strongman Sheaves are...

QSheaves™: Your Choice for Replacement Sheaves

Did you know QSheaves™ specializes is making customizable replacement sheaves for the wire rope...

eSheaves for Marine Applications

For 30 years, eSheaves has been supplying the maritime industry with sheaves. Sheaves can be used...

Why Should You Choose eSheaves Small Cable Sheaves?

Small cable sheaves can be used in a variety of applications. Whether you need them for fitness...

The Importance of Pruning for Plant Health

Did you know that pruning your plants is extremely important for their health? Unpruned plants...